Blair County Conservation District Board

Our Directors

The Blair District has a 7-member board consisting of four “Farmer Members,” two “Public Members” and one representative of the County Governing Body.  Farmer and Public Members are appointed to serve 4-year terms while the representative of the County Governing Body is appointed annually.  Blair County Commissioners solicit nominations annually for director positions from approved Nominating Organizations

Front Row (L to R) Jim Biddle, Alan Gearhart; Harold Bailey
Back Row (L to R) Blaine Smith, John Morrow; Gary Long; former Commissioner Terry Tomassetti

 Board Member


Term Ends

Serving From

James E. Biddle, Jr.




Blaine L. Smith

Vice Chairman



Gary R. Long

Secretary Treasurer



R. Alan Gearhart

Farmer Member



John B. Morrow

Farmer Member



Comm. Amy Webster

County Commissioner


County of Blair

Cindy D. Bigelow

Farmer Member



Nominating Organizations

Nominating organizations play an important role in the selection of Conservation District Directors.  Annually the County of Blair contacts the nominating organizations (who are approved by the State Conservation Commission) to solicit candidates for appointments to fill expiring or vacant terms.  Interested groups that would like to participate in the nomination process should contact the district for more information regarding the criteria and approval process for nominating organizations.

Blair County Pomona Grange

Blair County Farm Bureau

Juniata Valley Audubon Society

Blair/Huntingdon Farm Service Agency

Blair County Holstein Club

Morrisons Cove Dairy Show, Inc.

Blair County Cooperative Extension

Blair County Assoc. of Twp. Officials

District Meeting Schedule 2024

The public may participate in person or by telephone conference through Zoom, by calling 1-301-715-8592 or 1-646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 8194331343. The call-in information will also be provided at the top of public meeting agendas.

The June meeting was rescheduled to June 11, 2024, at 7:30 PM at the District Office and will have the telephone conference option.  Public may participate at the June meeting in person or by telephone conference through Zoom by calling one of the numbers listed above.

The October meeting will be in-person participation only.  The October meeting will not have a telephone conference option.

District Office, 1407 Blair Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

NatureWorksPark, 108 Bedford St, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

Freedom Twp. Fire Hall, 139 Municipal St, East Freedom, PA 16637




January 22

1:30 PM

District Office

February 26

1:30 PM

District Office

March 18

7:30 PM

District Office

April 15

7:30 PM

District Office

May 20

7:30 PM

District Office

June 11

7:30 PM

District Office

July 15

7:30 PM

District Office

August 19

7:30 PM

District Office

September 16

7:30 PM

District Office

October 17

7:00 PM

Freedom Twp. Fire Hall

November 18

7:30 PM

District Office

December 16

1:30 PM

District Office