Agriculture is the Number One industry in Blair County and the Blair District has a strong albeit evolving program to support agriculture.
District planning numbers doubled in 2020, preparing 17 Manure Management Plans representing 926 acres (230 Animal Equivalent Units) and 17 Ag Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for 923 acres. Over 800 producer contacts were made via mailings, status reviews, Nutrient Management Plan reviews and “Farm Inspections” as dictated by PA DEP for the Ches. Bay Watershed.
The District’s delegation to review and approve Nutrient Management Plans (required for operations which meet thresholds related to the number of animal units per acre of ground available for manure application) resulted in 2 plans and/or amendments reviewed and approved; along with the review of 4 nutrient balance sheets if manure is being imported to a farm.
Construction funding continues to be primarily through our Partners. Staff assisted in the installation of two stream restoration projects on farms including stream crossings, 3,500 feet of fencing and planting riparian buffers in the Plum Creek and Clover Creek Watersheds.
Looking forward to 2021, the District in conjunction with Fulton, Cambria and Huntingdon Counties will be preparing a regional Countywide Action Plan to address the requested sediment and nutrient reductions related to the State’s Watershed Implementation Plan. In Blair County, we have been assigned a reduction of 585,000 pounds of Nitrogen. Our Phosphorus reduction has already been met with existing practices. Agriculture will have a major role to play in our plan development.
If you would like more information….contact Rich Huether or Stephen Dumm at 696-0877 ext. 5.